We’re collecting information on publications that have featured marine sediment samples collected by MARSSAM. As the OSU coring facility has existed for 30+ years and recovered thousands of cores over dozens of expeditions, this is a daunting task! If you have worked with our group, or on samples we collected, please bring our attention to publications that belong up here and we’ll gladly add them to this growing list.


Journal Articles:

Addison, J.A., B.P. Finney, W.E. Dean, M.H. Davies, A.C. Mix, and J.M. Jaeger (2012), Productivity and sedimentary d15N variability for the last 17,000 years along the northern Gulf of Alaska continental slope, Paleoceanography 27(1) doi:10.1029/2011PA002161.

Appelgate, B., Goldfinger, C., Kulm, L.D., MacKay, M., Fox, C.G., Embley, R.W., and Meis, P.J., 1992, A left lateral strike slip fault seaward of the central Oregon convergent margin: Tectonics, v. 11, p. 465-477.

Beeson, J.W., Goldfinger, C., Fortin, W.F., 2017, Large-Scale Modification of Submarine Geomorphic Features on the Cascadia Accretionary Wedge Caused by Catastrophic Flooding Events, Geosphere, v. 13, no. 4, p. 1–16, doi:10.1130/GES01388.1.

Beeson, J.W., Goldfinger, C., Johnson, S.Y., 2017, The Offshore Section of the Northern San Andreas Fault: Fault Zone Geometries, Shallow Deformation Patterns, and Asymmetric Basin Growth, Geosphere, v13 (3).

Bellman, M., Heppell, S., Goldfinger C., 2005, Evaluation of a U.S. West Coast Groundfish Habitat Conservation Regulation via Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Trawl Fishing Effort, in Greene and Todd, eds., Marine Geological and Benthic Habitat Mapping, Canadian Journal of Fisheries Aquatic Science, v. 62, p. 2886–2900.

Carlson, A., Z. Kilmer, L.B. Ziegler, J.S. Stoner, G.C. Wiles, K. Starr, M.H. Walczak, W. Colgan, A.V. Reyes, D.J. Leydet, R.G. Hatfield, (2017), Recent retreat of Columbia Glacier, Alaska: Millennial context, Geology doi: 10.1130/G38479.1.

Chaytor, J.D., Goldfinger, C., Dziak, R.P., and Fox, C.G., 2004, Active deformation of the Gorda plate: Constraining deformation models with new geophysical data: Geology, v. 32, p. 353-356.

Chaytor, J. D., Chris Goldfinger, C., Meiner, M. A., Huftile, G. J., Romsos, C. G., and Legg, M. R., 2008, Measuring Vertical Tectonic Motion at the Intersection of the Santa Cruz-Catalina Ridge and Northern Channel Islands Platform, California Continental Borderland, Using Submerged Paleoshorelines, Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, v. 120. P. 1053-1071.

Copps, S., Parkes, G., Wakefield, W., Yoklavich, M., Bailey, A., Goldfinger, C., Greene, G., 2008, Integration of Geology and Fish Ecology to Assess West Coast Essential Fish Habitat for Groundfishes at the Scale of the Exclusive Economic Zone: in Todd, B.J., and Greene, G., eds., Mapping the Seafloor for Habitat Characterization: Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 47, p. 439-450.

Du, J., A. Mix, B. Haley, A.C. Mix, M.H. Walczak, S.K. Praetorius (2018), Flushing of the deep Pacific drives deglacial rise of atmospheric CO2. Nature Geoscience. doi:10.1038/s41561-018-0205-6

Davies, M.H., A.C. Mix, J.S. Stoner, J.A. Addison, J. Southon (2011), The deglacial transition on the southeastern Alaska Margin; meltwater input, sealevel rise, marine productivity, and sedimentary anoxia, Paleoceanography 26(2) doi:10.1029/2010PA002051.

Davies-Walczak, M.H., A.C. Mix, J.S. Stoner, J. Southon (2014), Late Glacial to Holocene radiocarbon constraints on North Pacific Intermediate Water ventilation and deglacial atmospheric CO2 sources, Earth and Plan. Sci. Lett. 397:57-66.

Goldfinger, C., Kulm, L.D., and Yeats, R.S., 1992, Neotectonic map of the Oregon continental margin and adjacent abyssal plain: Portland, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Open-File Report O-92-4, scale 1:500,000 Arc Shapefiles

Goldfinger, C., Kulm, L.D., Yeats, R.S., Appelgate, B., MacKay, M., and Moore, G.F., 1992, Transverse structural trends along the Oregon convergent margin: implications for Cascadia earthquake potential: Geology,  v. 20, p. 141-144.

Goldfinger, C., 1994, Active deformation of the Cascadia forearc: Implications for great earthquake potential in Oregon and Washington [PhD thesis]: Corvallis, Oregon State University, 202 pp.

Goldfinger, C., Kulm, L.D., Yeats, R.S., Hummon, C., Huftile, G.J., Niem, A.R., Fox, C.G., and McNeill, L.C., 1996, Oblique strike-slip faulting of the Cascadia submarine forearc:  The Daisy Bank fault zone off central Oregon, in Bebout, G.E., Scholl, D., Kirby, S., and Platt, J.P., eds., Subduction top to bottom, AGU Geophysical Monograph 96, Washington, D. C., American Geophysical Union, p. 65-74.

Goldfinger, C., Kulm, L.D., Yeats, R.S., Appelgate, B., MacKay, M., and Cochrane, G.R., 1996, Active strike-slip faulting and folding of the Cascadia plate boundary and forearc in central and northern Oregon, in Rogers, A.M., Walsh, T.J., Kockelman, W.J., and Priest, G., eds., Assessing and reducing earthquake hazards in the Pacific Northwest, Volume I,  U.S.G.S. Professional Paper 1560, U.S. Geological Survey.

Goldfinger, C., Kulm, L.D., Yeats, R.S., McNeill, L.C., and Hummon, C., 1997, Oblique strike-slip faulting of the central Cascadia submarine forearc: Journal of Geophysical Research,  v. 102,  p. 8217-8243.

Goldfinger, C., Romsos, C., Robison, R., Milstein, R., and Myers, S. A, 2002, Interim Seafloor Lithology Maps for Oregon and Washington, Oregon State University Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory Publication 02-01, 1 digital multilayer map on CD, and text, 11 pp.

Goldfinger, C., Nelson, C.H., and Johnson, J.E., 2003, Deep-Water Turbidites as Holocene Earthquake Proxies: The Cascadia Subduction Zone and Northern San Andreas Fault Systems: Annali Geofisica, v. 46, p. 1169-1194.

—, 2003, Holocene Earthquake Records From the Cascadia Subduction Zone and Northern San Andreas Fault Based on Precise Dating of Offshore Turbidites: Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences, v. 31, p. 555-577.

Goldfinger, C., Morey, A.E., Nelson, C.H., Gutiérrez-Pastor, J., Johnson, J.E., Karabanov, E., Chaytor, J., Ericsson, A., and shipboard scientific party, 2007, Rupture lengths and temporal history of significant earthquakes on the Offshore and Northcoast segments of the Northern San Andreas Fault based on turbidite stratigraphy, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 254, p. 9-27.

Goldfinger, C., Grijalva, K., Burgmann, R., Morey, A.E., Johnson, J.E., Nelson, C.H., Gutierrez-Pastor, J., Karabanov, E., Chaytor, J.D., Patton, J., and Gracia, E., 2008, Late Holocene Rupture of the Northern San Andreas Fault and Possible Stress Linkage to the Cascadia Subduction Zone, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 98, p. 861-889.

Goldfinger, C., Patton, J.R., Morey, A.M., 2009, Reply to comment on “Late Holocene Rupture of the Northern San Andreas Fault and Possible Stress Linkage to the Cascadia Subduction Zone, Goldfinger, C., Grijalva, K., Burgmann, R., Morey, A., Johnson, J.E., Nelson, C.H., Ericsson, A., Gutiérrez-Pastor, J., Patton, J., Karabanov, E., Gracia, E.”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 98, p. 861-889, 8 pp.

Goldfinger, C., 2009, Subaqueous Paleoseismology, in Mcalpin, J., ed., Paleoseismology, 2nd edition, Elsevier, p. 119-169.

Goldfinger, C., 2011, Submarine Paleoseismology Based on Turbidite Records, Annual Reviews of Marine Science, v. 3, p. 35-66.

Goldfinger, C., Nelson, C.H., Morey, A., Johnson, J.E., Gutierrez-Pastor, J., Eriksson, A.T., Karabanov, E., Patton, J., Gracia, E., Enkin, R., Dallimore, A., Dunhill, G., and Vallier, T., 2012, Turbidite Event History: Methods and Implications for Holocene Paleoseismicity of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, USGS Professional Paper 1661-F, Reston, VA, U.S. Geological Survey, p. 184 p, 64 Figures. Appendices

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Goldfinger, C., Ikeda, Y., Yeats, R.S., and Ren, J., 2013, Superquakes and Supercycles, Seismological Research Letters, v. 84, no. 1, p. 24-32 Online supplement

Goldfinger, C., Morey, A., Black, B., Beeson, J. and Patton, J., 2013, Spatially Limited Mud Turbidites on the Cascadia Margin: Segmented Earthquake Ruptures?, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 2109-2146. doi:10.5194/nhess-13-1-2013 ( electronic supplement)

Goldfinger, C., Ikeda, Y., Yeats, R.S., Superquakes, Supercycles and Global Earthquake Clustering, 2013, EARTH Vol. 58 (No. 1), p. 34.

Goldfinger, C., Patton, J., Van Daele, M., Moernaut, J., Nelson, C.H., De Batist, M., and Morey, A.M., 2015, Comment on “Can Turbidites be Used to Reconstruct a Paleoearthquake Record for the Central Sumatran Margin?, Geology, v. 42, p. e344, doi: 10.1130/G35558C.1.

Goldfinger, C., Galer, S., Beeson, J.W., Hamilton, T.S, Black, B., Romsos, C., Patton, J., Nelson, C.H., Hausmann, R., Morey,A., 2017, The Importance of Site Selection, Sediment Supply, and Hydrodynamics: A Case Study of Submarine Paleoseismology on the Northern Cascadia margin, Washington USA, Marine Geology, v. 384, p. 4-46. Supplement Supplemental Movies

Goldfinger, C., Wong, I., Kulkarni, R., Beeson, J.W., 2016, Reply to “Comment on ‘Statistical Analyses of Great Earthquake Recurrence along the Cascadia Subduction Zone’ by Ram Kulkarni, Ivan Wong, Judith Zachariasen, Chris Goldfinger, and Martin Lawrence” by Allan Goddard Lindh, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 106, No. 6, pp. doi: 10.1785/0120150282

Gracia, E., Vizcaino, A., Escutia, C., Asioli, A., Rodes, A., Palla, R., Garcia-Orellana, J., Lebreiro, S., Goldfinger, C., 2010, Holocene Earthquake Record Offshore Portugal (SW Iberia): Testing turbidite paleoseismology in a slow-convergence margin, Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 29, p. 1156-1172.

Gutierrez-Pastor, J., Nelson, C.H., Goldfinger, C., Johnson, J.E., Escutia, C., Eriksson, A., and Morey, A., 2009, Earthquake Control of Holocene Turbidite Frequency Confirmed by Hemipelagic Sedimentation Chronology on The Cascadia and Northern California Active Continental Margins, in Kneller, B., Martinsen, O.J., and McCaffrey, W., eds., External Controls on Deep-Water Depositional Systems, Society for Sedimentary Geology Special Publication, Volume 92: London, Society for Sedimentary Geology p. 179-197.

Gutierrez-Pastor, J., Nelson, C.H., Goldfinger, C., Escutia, C., 2012, Sedimentology of Seismo-Turbidites off the Cascadia and Northern California Active Tectonic Continental Margins, Northwest Pacific Ocean, Marine Geology, doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2012.11.010.

Havron, A., Goldfinger, C., Henkel, S., Marcot, B.G., Romsos, C., Gilbane, L., 2017, Mapping marine habitat suitability and uncertainty using Bayesian networks: a case study of northeastern Pacific benthic macrofauna, Ecosphere, v. 8 (7), p. 1-25.

Johnson, J.E., Goldfinger, C., and Suess, E., 2003, Geophysical constraints on the surface distribution of authigenic carbonates aross the Hydrate Ridge region, Cascadia margin: Marine Geology, v. 202, p. 79-110.

Johnson, J.E., Goldfinger, C, Trehu, A.M., Bangs, N., Torres, M.E., and Chevallier, J., 2005, North-south variability in the history of deformation and fluid venting across hydrate ridge, Cascadia margin, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Scientific Results, Volume 204.

Kulkarni, R., Wong, I., Zachariasen, J., and Goldfinger, C., 2013, Statistical Analyses of Great Earthquake Recurrence Along the Cascadia Subduction Zone, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 103, No. 6, pp. 1–17, December 2013, doi: 10.1785/0120120105.

Crater Structures Offshore Southern California: Geophysical Journal International, v.159, n.2, p.803-815.

Legg, M.R., Goldfinger, C., Kamerling, M.J., Chaytor, J.D., 2007, Morphology, structure and evolution of California Continental Borderland restraining bends, in Cunningham, W. D. & Mann, P. (eds) Tectonics of Strike-Slip Restraining and Releasing Bends, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 290, 143–168.

McCaffrey, R., and Goldfinger, C., 1995, Forearc deformation and great earthquakes: Implications for Cascadia earthquake potential: Science, v. 267, p. 856-859.

McNeill, L.C., Goldfinger, C., Kulm, L.D., and Yeats, R.S., 2000, Tectonics of the Neogene Cascadia forearc basin: Investigations of a deformed late Miocene unconformity: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 112, p. 1209-1224.

Morey, A. E., Mix, A.C., Pisias, N.G., 2005, Planktonic foraminiferal assemblages preserved in surface sediments correspond to multiple environmental variable, Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 24, p. 925-950.

Morey, A. E., Goldfinger, C., Briles, C. E., Gavin, D. G., Colombaroli, D., and Kusler, J. E.,2013, Are great Cascadia earthquakes recorded in the sedimentary
records from small forearc lakes?
, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences,v. 13, 1–23.

Nelson, C.H., Goldfinger, C., Johnson, J.E., and Dunhill, G., 2000, Variation of modern turbidite systems along the subduction zone margin of Cascadia Basin and implications for turbidite reservoir beds, in P.W. Weimer, R.M. Slatt, J. Coleman, N.C. Rosen, C.H. Nelson, A.H. Bouma, M.J. Styzen, D.T. Lawrence, eds., Deep-water Reservoirs of the World: 20th Annual Research Conference, Gulf Coast Section Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, p. 31 pp.

Nelson, C.H., Escutia, C., Goldfinger, C., Karabanov, E., Gutierrez-Pastor, J., and De Batist, M., 2009, External controls on modern clastic turbidite systems: three case studies, in Kneller, B., Martinsen, O.J., and McCaffrey, W., eds., Society for Sedimentary Geology Special Publication, Volume 92: London, Society for Sedimentary Geology, p. 57-76.

Nelson, C.H., Escutia, C., Damuth, J.E., and Twitchell, D.C., 2011, Interplay of mass-transport and turbidite-system deposits in different active tectonic and passive continental margin settings: external and local controlling factors: Society for Sedimentary Geology Special Publication, v. 96, p. 39–66.

Nelson, C.H., Gutiérrez-Pastor, J., Goldfinger, C., and Escutia, C., 2012, Great earthquakes along the Western United States continental margin: implications for hazards, stratigraphy and turbidite lithology: Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., v. 12, p. 3191-3208.

Patton, J.R., Goldfinger, C., Morey, A., Ikehara, K., Romsos, C., Stoner, J., Djadjadihardja, Y.S., Udrekh, Ardhyastuti, S., Gaffar, E., Viscaino, A.,2015, 6.5 ka earthquake history in the region of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, Geosphere, v. 11, no. 6, p. 2067-2129 DOI: 10.1130/GES01066.1.

Patton, J.R., Goldfinger, C., Morey, A., Romsos, C., Black, B., Djadjadihardja, Y.S., and Udrekh, U., 2013, Seismoturbidite Record as Preserved at Core Sites at the Cascadia and Sumatra-Andaman Subduction Zones, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, v. 13,p. 833–867. online supplement

Praetorius, S., A. Mix, M.H. Walczak, M. Wolhowe, F. Prahl (2015), North Pacific deglacial hypoxia events linked to abrupt ocean warming, Nature 527:362 366 doi:10.1038/nature15753

Priest, G. R., Goldfinger, C., Wang, W., Witter, R. C. Zhang, Y., 2009, Confidence levels for tsunami-inundation limits in northern Oregon inferred from a 10,000-year history of great earthquakes at the Cascadia subduction zone, Natural Hazards v. 54, p. 27-73. DOI 10.1007/s11069-009-9453-5.

Priest G.R, Goldfinger C, Wang K, Witter RC, Zhang Y, Baptista A.M., 2009, Tsunami hazard assessment of the Northern Oregon coast: a multi-deterministic approach tested at Cannon Beach, Clatsop County, Oregon. Oregon Department of Geology Mineral Industries Special Paper 41, 89p. plus Appendix and GIS files.

Priest, G.R., Zhang, Y., Witter, R.C., Wang, K., Goldfinger, C., and Stimely, L., 2014, Tsunami impact to Washington and northern Oregon from segment ruptures on the southern Cascadia subduction zone, Natural Hazards, v. 72, p, 849–870.

George R. Priest, Robert C. Witter, Y. Joseph Zhang, Kelin Wang, Chris Goldfinger, Laura L. Stimely, John T. English, Sean G. Pickner, Kaleena L.B. Hughes, Taylore E. Wille, and Rachel L. Smith, 2013, Tsunami Inundation Scenarios for Oregon, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, Open-File Report O-13-19, 14 pp, GIS datasets.

George R. Priest, Robert C. Witter, Y. Joseph Zhang, Chris Goldfinger, Kelin Wang, Jonathan C. Allan, 2017, New constraints on coseismic slip during southern Cascadia subduction zone earthquakes over the past 4,600 years implied by tsunami deposits and marine turbidites, Natural Hazards DOI: 10.1007/s11069-017-2864-9

Romsos, C., Goldfinger, C., C., Robison, R., Milstein, R., Chaytor, J., 2007, Development of a Regional Seafloor Surficial Geologic Habitat Map for the Continental Margins of Oregon and Washington, USA in Todd, B.J., and Greene, G., eds., Mapping the Seafloor for Habitat Characterization: Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 47, p. 209-234.

Rong, Y., Jackson, D.D., Magistrale, H., and Goldfinger, C., 2014, Magnitude Limits of Subduction Zone Earthquakes, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 104, no. 5, p. 2359-2377, doi: 10.1785/0120130287

Salisbury, M.J., Patton, J.R., Kent, A.J.R., Goldfinger, C., Djadjadihardja, Y., and Hanifa, U.,2012, Deep-sea ash layers reveal evidence for large, late Pleistocene and Holocene explosive activity from Sumatra, Indonesia, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research (2012), doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.03.007

Scholz, C., 2014, Holocene Earthquake History of Cascadia: A Quantitative Test, v. 104, no. 4, p. 2120-2124, doi: 10.1785/0120140002

Suess, E., Torres, M., Bohrmann, G., Collier, R.W., Rickert, D., Goldfinger, C., Linke, P., Heuser, A., Sahling, H., Heeschen, K., Jung, C., Nakamura, K., Greinert, J., Pfannkuche, O., Trehu, A., Klinkhammer, G., Whiticar, M.J., Eisenhauer, A., Teichert, B., and Elvert, M., 2001, Sea Floor methane hydrates at Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia Margin: American Geophysical Union Monograph 124, p. 87-98.

Tolimieri, N., Clarke, M.E., Singh, H. and Goldfinger, C., 2008, Development of the SeaBED AUV to monitor populations of west coast groundfish in untrawlable habitat: an example with Rosethorn rockfish, Sebastes helvomaculatus in Reynolds, J.R., and H.G. Greene, eds. 2008. Marine habitat mapping technology for Alaska. Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of Alaska Fairbanks, doi:10.4027/mhmta.2008.09.

Witter, R. C., Zhang, Y., Wang, K., Goldfinger, C., Priest, G. R., and Allan, J. C., 2012, Coseismic slip on the southern Cascadia megathrust implied by tsunami deposits in an Oregon lake and earthquake-triggered marine turbidites: J. Geophys. Res., v. 117, no. B10, p. B10303.

Witter, R. C., Zhang, Y., Wang, K., Priest, G. R., Goldfinger, C., Stimeley, L., English, J.T., and Ferro, P.A., 2013, Simulated tsunami inundation for a range of Cascadia megathrust earthquake scenarios at Bandon, Oregon, USA: Geosphere, v. 9, no. 6, p. 1783-1803. Plate 1


Duncan, J. R., 1968, Late Pleistocene and postglacial sedimentation and stratigraphy of deep-sea environments off Oregon [Doctoral PhD]: Oregon State University, 222 p.

Duncan, J. R., Fowler, G. A., and Kulm, L. D., 1970, Planktonic Foraminiferan-Radiolarian Ratios and Holocene-Late Pleistocene Deep Sea Stratigraphy off Oregon: Gelogical Society of America Bulletin, v. 81, p. 561-566.

Duncan, J. R., Fowler, G. A., and Kulm, L. D., 1970, Planktonic Foraminiferan-Radiolarian ratios and Holocene-Late Pleistocene deep-sea stratigraphy off Oregon: Geol. Soc. Am., v. v. 81, p. p. 561-566.

Duncan, J. R., and Kulm, L. D., 1970, Mineralogy, provenance and dispersal history of late Quaternary deep-sea sands in Cascadia Basin and Blanco Fracture Zone: JSP, v. 40, p. 874-887.

Duncan, J. R., and Kulm, L. D., 1970, Mineralogy, provenance, and dispersal history of late Quaternary deep-sea sands in Cascadia Basin and Blanco fracture zone off Oregon: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 40, no. 3, p. 874-887.

Duncan, R. A., and Kulm, L. D., 1989, Plate Tectonic Evolution of the Cascades arc-subduction complex, in Winterer, E. L., Hussong, D.M., and Decker, R.W., ed., The Eastern Pacific Ocean and Hawaii, Volume The Geology of North America: Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America, p. p. 413-437.

-, 1989, Plate tectonic evolution of the Cascades arc-subduction complex, in Winterer, E. L., Hussong, D. M., and Decker, R. W., eds., The Eastern Pacific Ocean and Hawaii, Volume N: Boulder, Geological Society of America, p. 413-438.

Fowler, G. A., and Kulm, L. D., 1970, Foraminiferal and sedimentological evidence for uplift of the deep-sea floor, Gorda Rise, northeastern Pacific: Journal of Marine Research, v. v. 28, p. p. 321-329.

Fowler, G. A., Orr, W. N., and Kulm, L. D., 1971, An upper Miocene diatomaceous rock unit on the Oregon continental shelf: Journal of Geology, v. 79, p. 603-608.

Gray, J. J., and Kulm, L. D., 1985, Mineral Resources Map, Offshore Oregon: DOGAMI.

Griggs, G. B., 1969, Cascadia Channel: The anatomy of a deep sea channel [Doctoral Ph.D.]: Oregon State University, 183 p.

Griggs, G. B., Carey, A. G., and Kulm, L. D., 1969, Deep-sea sedimentation and sediment-fauna interaction in Cascadia Channel and on Cascadia Abyssal Plain: Deep-Sea Res., v. 16, p. 157-170.

Griggs, G. B., Carey, J. A. G., and Kulm, L. D., 1969, Deep-sea sedimentation and sediment-fauna interaction in Cascadia Channel and n Cascadia Abyssal Plain: Deep-Sea Research, v. 16, p. 157-170.

Griggs, G. B., and Kulm, L. D., 1970, Physiography of Cascadia deep-sea channel: Northwest Science, v. v. 44, no. no. 2, p. p. 82-93.

-, 1970, Sedimentation in Cascadia Deep-Sea Channel: GSA Bull., v. 81, p. 1361-1384.

-, 1970, Sedimentation in Cascadia deep-sea channel: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. vol. 81, p. pp. 1361-1384.

-, 1973, Origin and development of Cascadia deep-sea channel: Jour. Geophys. Res., v. v. 78, p. p. 6325-6339.

-, 1973, Origin and Development of Cascadia deep-sea channel: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. vol. 78, no. no. 27, p. pp. 6325-6339.

Griggs, G. B., Kulm, L. D., Waters, A. C., and Fowler, G. A., 1970, Deep-sea gravel from Cascadia Channel: Jour. Geol., v. 78, p. 611-619.

-, 1970, Deep-sea gravel from Cascadia Channel: Journal of Geology, v. vol. 78, p. pp. 611-619.

-, 1970, Deep-sea gravels from Cascadia Channel: Journal of Geology, v. 78, p. 611-619.

Griggs, G. B., and L.D., K., 1970, Physiography of Cascadia deep-sea channel: Northwest Science, v. vol. 44, no. no. 2, p. pp. 82-94.

Gross, M. G., Carey, A. G., Jr., Fowler, G., and Kulm, L. D., 1972, Distribution of organic carbon in surface sediment, northeast Pacific Ocean, in Pruter, A. T., and Alverson, D. L., eds., The Columbia River estuary and adjacent ocean waters: Seattle, University of Washington Press, p. p. 254-264.

Harlett, J. C., and Kulm, L. D., 1972, Some observations of near bottom currents in deep-sea channels: J. Geophys. Res., v. v. 77, p. p. 499-504.

-, 1973, Suspended sediment transport on the northern Oregon continental shelf: GSA Bull., v. 84, p. 3815-3826.

Ingle, J. C., 1973, Neogene foraminifera from the Northeastern Pacific Ocean, Leg 18, Deep Sea Drilling Project, in Kulm, L. D., von Huene, R., and al., e., eds., Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Volume 18: Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, p. 517-567.

Johnson, s. Y., Brandon, M. R., Steward, R. J., McClain, K. J., Lewis, B. T. R., Taber, J. J., and Crossan, R. S., 1984, Cross section D-D’-D”, western Washington, in others, L. D. K. a., ed., Atlas of the Ocean Margin Drilling Program, Western Oregon-Washington, Continental Margin and Adjacent Ocean Floor, Region V, Map sheet 22, with text: Woods Hole, Mass., JOI, Inc., Marine Science International.

Johnson, S. Y., Niem, W. A., Brandon, M. T., Kulm, L. D., and Stewart, R. J., 1984, Tectonic map of western Oregon and Washington, in al., L. D. K. e., ed., Atlas of the Ocean Margin Drilling Program, Western North American Continental Margin and Adjacent Ocean Floor off Oregon and Washington, Region V, 32 sheets: Woods Hole, MA,, JOI, Mar. Sci. Int.,.

Krissek, L. A., Scheidegger, K. F., and Kulm, L. D., 1980, Surface sediments of the Peru-Chile continental margin and the Nazca plate: GSA Bull., Part 1, v. 91, no. 321-331.

Kulm, L. D., 1978, Coastal morphology and geology of the ocean bottom-the Oregon region, in Krauss, R., ed., The marine plant biomass of the pacific northwest coast: Corvallis, Oregon State University Press, p. p. 2-35.

-, 1988, Potential heavy mineral and metal placers on the southern Oregon continental shelf: Mar. mining, v. 7, p. 361-395.

Kulm, L. D., et al., 1984, Atlas of the Ocean Margin Drilling Program, Western Oregon-Washington, Continental Margin and Adjacent Ocean Floor, Region V, eds. L.D. Kulm and others: JOI, Marine Science International, Woods Hole, MA.

Kulm, L. D., and Fowler, G. A., 1974, Cenozoic sedimentary framework of the Gorda-Juan de Fuca Plate and adjacent continental margin – a review: in, Modern and Ancient Geosynclinal Sedimentation, eds. R.H. Dott Jr. and R.H. Shaver: SEPM Special Publication No. 19, p. 212-229.

-, 1974, Cenozoic Sedimentary Framework of the Gorda-Juan de Fuca Plate and Adjacent Continental Margin- A Review, in Dott, R. H., and Shaver, R. H., eds., Modern and Ancient Geosynclinal Sedimentation, Volume Special Publication, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, p. pp. 212-229.

-, 1974, Oregon continental margin structure and stratigraphy: a test of the imbricate thrust model, in Burk, C. A., and Drake, C. L., eds., The Geology of Continental Margins: New York, Springer-Verlag, p. 261-284.

Kulm, L. D., Loubere, P. W., and Peper, J. S., 1984, Geology of the Continental Margin and Cascadia Basin. In, Atlas of the Ocean Margin Drilling Program, Western North American Continental Margin and Adjacent Ocean Floor off Oregon and Washington, Region V, L.D. Kulm et al. (eds.): JOI, Mar. Sci. Int., Woods Hole, MA, sheet 29.

Kulm, L. D., and Peterson, C. D., 1988, Elemental content of heavy mineral concentrations on the continental shelf off Oregon and northenmost California: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, O-88-4.

-, 1988, Elemental content of heavy-mineral concentrations on the continental shelf off Oregon and northernmost California: DOGAMI Open File Rpt 0-88-4, p. 29.

-, 1989, Preliminary economic evaluation of continental shelf placer deposits off Cape Blanco, Rogue River and Umpqua River: DOGAMI.

Kulm, L. D., Peterson, C. D., and Stribling, M. C., 1986, Inventory of heavy minerals and metals southern Washington, Oregon, and northern California continental shelf and coastal region: DOGAMI Open-File Rpt 0-86-10, p. 111.

Kulm, L. D., Resig, J. M., Moore, T. C. J., and Rosato, V. J., 1974, Transfer of Nazca Ridge Pelagic Sediments to the Peru Continental Margin: GSA Bull., v. 85, p. 769-780.

Kulm, L. D., Resig, J. M., Thornburg, T. M., and Schrader, H.-J., 1983, Cenozoic structure, stratigraphy and tectonics of the central Peru forearc, in Leggett, J. K., ed., Trench and Forearc Sedimentation and Tectonics in Modern and Ancient Subduction Zones, Geological Society of London, p. p. 151-169.

Kulm, L. D., Roush, R. C., Harlett, J. C., Neudeck, R. H., Chambers, D. M., and Runge, E. J., 1975, Oregon continental shelf sedimentation: Interrelationships of facies distribution and sedimentary processes: Jour. Geol., v. v. 83, p. p. 145-175.

Kulm, L. D., and Scheidegger, K. F., 1979, Quaternary sedimentation on the tectonically active Oregon continental slope: S.E.P.M. Special Publication 27, p. 247-263.

-, 1979, Quaternary sedimentation on the tectonically active Oregon continental slope: SEPM Special Publication, no. no. 27, p. 247-263.

Kulm, L. D., Scheidegger, K. F., Byrne, J. V., and Spigai, J. J., 1968, A preliminary investigation of the heavy mineral suites of the coastal rivers and beaches of Oregon and northern California: Ore Bin, v. 30, p. 165-184.

Kulm, L. D., and Schweller, W. J., 1987, Oceanic Trenches, in (ed.), C. K. S., ed., The Encyclopedia of Structural Geology and Plate Tectonics, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, p. p. 483-485.

Kulm, L. D., and Suess, E., 1988, The role of carbonate chimneys and edifices in fluid venting processes of the Oregon subduction zone: Journal of Geophysical Research, Special Issue on Role of Fluids in Sediment Accretion, Deformation, Diagenesis and Metamorphism at Subduction Zones.

-, 1990, Relation of carbonate deposits and fluid venting: Oregon accretionary prism: J. Geophys. Res., v. 95, p. 8899-8915.

-, 1990, Relationship between carbonate deposits and fluid venting: Oregon accretionary prism: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. vol. 95, no. no. B6, p. pp. 8899-8915.

Kulm, L. D., Suess, E., Moore, J. C., Carson, B., Lewis, B. T., Ritger, S. D., Kadko, D. C., Thornburg, T. M., Embley, R. W., Rugh, W. D., Massoth, G. J., Langseth, M. G., Cochrane, G. R., and Scamman, R. L., 1986, Oregon subduction zone: venting fauna and carbonates: Science, v. v. 231, p. p. 561-566.

Kulm, L. D., Suess, E., Snavely, P. D. J., Schroeder, N., Muehlberg, G., and Carson, B., 1986, Fluid Venting Processes and Their Relation to Tectonic Styles in Subduction Zones of the Eastern Pacific: International Kaiko Conference on Subduction Zones, Tokyo and Shimizu, 10-15 November, 1986 (Abstract), p. 28-29.

Kulm, L. D., and Thornburg, T. M., 1984, Dolomites in organic-rich muds of the Peru forearc basins, in Garrison, R. E., M. Kastner and D. Zenger (eds.), ed., Analogue to the Monterey Formation Dolomites of the Monterey Formation and other organic-rich units, SEPM Spec. Pub. No. 41, p. 29-48.

MacKay, M. E., Moore, G. F., Cochrane, G. R., Moore, G. F., and Kulm, L. D., 1992, Landward vergence and oblique structural trends in the Oregon margin accretionary prism: Implications and effect on fluid flow: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. vol. 109, p. pp. 477-491.

McNeill, L. C., Goldfinger, C., Kulm, L. V. D., and Yeats, R. S., 2000, Tectonics of the Neogene Cascadia forearc basin: Investigations of a deformed late Miocene unconformity: Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, v. 112, no. 8, p. 1209-1224.

McNeill, L. C., Piper, K. A., Goldfinger, C., Kulm, L. D., and Yeats, R. S., 1997, Listric normal faulting on the Cascadia continental margin: Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 102, p. 12,123-112,138.

Moore, J. C., Orange, D., and Kulm, L. D., 1990, Interrelationship of fluid venting and structural evolution: ALVIN observations from the frontal accretionary prism, Oregon: J. Geophys. Res., v. 95, p. 8795-8808.

Nelson, C. H., Kulm, L. D., Carlson, P. R., and Duncan, J. R., 1968, Mazama ash in the northeastern Pacific: Science, v. 161, p. 47-49.

Ness, G. E., and Kulm, L. D., 1973, Origin and Development of Surveyor Deep-Sea Channel: GSA Bull., v. 84, p. 3339-3354.

Niem, A. R., and Niem, W. A., 1984, Cross sections E-E’-E”, F-F’-F”, and G-G’, western Oregon 23-24 with text, in others, L. D. K. a., ed., Atlas of the Ocean Margin and Adjacent Ocean Floor, Region V: Woods Hole, MA.

Peterson, C. D., Kulm, L. D., Komar, P. D., and Mumford, M. S., 1988, Marine Placer Studies in the Pacific Northwest: Oceanus, v. 31, no. 3, p. 21-28.

Peterson, C. P., Kulm, L. D., and Gray, J. J., 1985, Geologic Bibliography and Index Maps of the Ocean Floor off Oregon and the Adjacent Continental Margin: DOGAMI, Geol. Map Ser., GMS-39.

-, 1986, Geologic Map of Ocean Floor Off Oregon and Adjacent Continental Margin, Geological Map Series, GMS-42: DOGAMI.

-, 1986, Geologic map of the ocean floor off Oregon and the adjacent continental margin: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Map GMS-42.

Peterson, C. P., Loubere, P. W., and Kulm, L. D., 1984, Stratigraphy of the continental shelf and coastal region V, in al., L. D. K. e., ed., Atlas of the Ocean Margin Drilling Program, Western North American Continental Margin and Adjacent Ocean Floor off Oregon and Washington, Region sheet 30 with text: Woods Hole, MA, JOI, Mar. Sci. Int.

Prince, R. A., and Kulm, L. D., 1975, Crustal rupture and the initiation of imbricate thrusting in the Peru-Chile Trench: GSA Bull., v. 86, p. 1639-1653.

Prince, R. A., Resig, J. M., Kulm, L. D., and Moore, T. C. J., 1974, Uplifted Turbidite Basins on the Seaward Wall of the Peru Trench: Geology, p. 607-611.

Runge, J. E., Jr., 1966, Continental shelf sediments, Columbia River to Cape Blanco, Oregon [ Ph.D.]: Oregon State University, 143 p.

Scheidegger, K. F., and Kulm, L. D., 1975, Late Cenozoic volcanism in the Aleutian Arc: Information from ash layers in the northeastern Gulf of Alaska: Geological Society of America, v. 86, p. 1407-1412.

Scheidegger, K. F., Kulm, L. D., and Runge, E. J., 1971, Sediment sources and dispersal patterns of Oregon continental shelf sands: JSP, v. 41, p. 1112-1120.

Schroeder, N. A. M., Kulm, L. D., and Muehlberg, G. E., 1987, Carbonate chimneys on the outer continental shelf: Evidence for fluid venting on the Oregon margin: Or. Geol., v. 49, p. 91-98.

Schweller, W. J., and Kulm, L. D., 1978, Depositional Patterns and Channelized Sedimentation in Active Eastern Pacific Trenches, in Stanley, D. J., and Kelling, G., ed., Sedimentation in Submarine Canyons, Fans and Trenches: Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, p. p. 311-324.

-, 1978, Extensional rupture of oceanic crust in the Chile Trench: Marine Geology, v. 28, p. 271-291.

Suess, E., Kulm, L. D., and Killingley, J. S., 1987, Coastal upwelling and a history of organic-rich mudstone deposition off Peru: Geological Soc. Sp. Pub., v. 26, p. 181-197.

Thornburg, T., Kulm, L. D., and Hussong, D. M., 1990, Submarine fan development in the southern Chile trench: a dynamic interplay of tectonics and sedimentation: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 102, p. 1658-1680.

Thornburg, T. M., and Kulm, L. D., 1987, Sedimentation in the Chile Trench: Depositional morphologies, lithofacies and stratigraphy: GSA Bull., v. 98, p. 33-52.

-, 1987, Sedimentation in the Chile Trench: Petrofacies and Provenance: JSP, v. 57, no. 1, p. 55-74.

-, 1989, Active-Margin Fans: Dynamic Interactions of Structure, Tectonics and Sedimentation in the Chile Trench: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 102, p. 1658-1680.

Thornburg, T. M., Kulm, L. D., and Suess, E., 1984, Dolomites in Organic-Rich Muds of the Peru Forearc Basins: Analogue to the Monterey Formation: in, Garrison, R.E., Kastner, M., and Zenger, D.H., eds., Dolomites of the Monterey Formation and Other Organic-Rich Unites: SEPM Pac. Sect. Spec. Pub., v. 41, p. 29-47.

Tobin, H. J., Moore, J. C., MacKay, M. E., Orange, D. L., and Kulm, L. D., 1993, Fluid flow along a strike-slip fault at the toe of the Oregon accretionary prism: Implications for the geometry of frontal accretion: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. v. 105, no. no. 5, p. p. 569-582.

von Heune, R., and Kulm, L. D., 1973, Tectonic summary of Leg 18, in Kulm, L. D., and von Heune, R. e. a., eds., Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Volume XVIII: Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, p. p. 961-976.

von Huene, R., Kulm, L. D., and Miller, J., 1985, Structure of the frontal part of the Andean convergent margin: JGR, v. 90, p. 5429-5442.


1960’s Cascadia Basin Theses and Selected L.D. Kulm Publications

Griggs, G.B., 1969, Cascadia Channel: The anatomy of a deep sea channel [Ph.D. thesis]: Corvallis, OR, Oregon State University, 225 p.

Duncan, J.R., 1968, Late Pleistocene and postglacial sedimentation and stratigraphy of deep-sea environments off Oregon [PhD thesis]: Corvallis, OR, Oregon State University, 243 p.

Nelson, C.H., 1968, Marine geology of the Astoria deep-sea fan [Ph.D. thesis], Oregon State University, 301 p.

Karlin, 1978, Sediment Sources and clay mineral distributions off the Oregon coast: Evidence for a poleward slope undercurrent [M.S. thesis], Oregon State University, 88 p.

Kulm, L.D., Von Heune, R., and the Shipboard Scientific Party, 1973, Site 176, in Kulm, L.D., and von Heune, R., eds., Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Volume XVIII: Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, p. 213-218.


Kulm, L.D., and al., e., 1984, Atlas of the Ocean Margin Drilling Program, Western Oregon-Washington, Continental Margin and Adjacent Ocean Floor, Region V, eds. L.D. Kulm and others: JOI, Marine Science International, Woods Hole, MA.

Kulm, L.D., and Fowler, G.A., 1974, Cenozoic sedimentary framework of the Gorda-Juan de Fuca Plate and adjacent continental margin – a review: in, Modern and Ancient Geosynclinal Sedimentation, eds. R.H. Dott Jr. and R.H. Shaver: SEPM Special Publication No. 19, p. 212-229.

Kulm, L.D., and Fowler, G.A., 1974, Oregon continental margin structure and stratigraphy: a test of the imbricate thrust model, in Burk, C.A., and Drake, C.L., eds., The Geology of Continental Margins: New York, Springer-Verlag, p. 261-284.

Kulm, L.D., Resig, J.M., Moore, T.C.J., and Rosato, V.J., 1974, Transfer of Nazca Ridge Pelagic Sediments to the Peru Continental Margin, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 85, p. 769-780.

Kulm, L.D., Roush, R.C., Harlett, J.C., Neudeck, R.H., Chambers, D.M., and Runge, E.J., 1975, Oregon continental shelf sedimentation: Interrelationships of facies distribution and sedimentary processes: Jour. Geol., v. 83, p. 145-175.

Kulm, L.D., and Scheidegger, K.F., 1979, Quaternary sedimentation on the tectonically active Oregon continental slope: S.E.P.M. Special Publication 27, v. 27, p. 247-263.

Kulm, L.D., Schweller, W.J., Molina-Cruz, A., and Rosato, V.J., 1976, Lithologic Evidence for Convergence of the Nazca Plate with the South American Continent, in Yeats, R.S., Hart, S.R., et al., ed., Init. Rep. DSDP, Volume XXXIV, p. 795-801.


Kulm, L.D., and Thornburg, T.M., 1984, Dolomites in organic-rich muds of the Peru forearc basins, in Garrison, R.E., M. Kastner and D. Zenger (eds.), ed., Analogue to the Monterey Formation Dolomites of the Monterey Formation and other organic-rich units, SEPM Spec. Pub. No. 41, p. 29-48.

Kulm, L.D., and Suess, E., 1988, The role of carbonate chimneys and edifices in fluid venting processes of the Oregon subduction zone: Journal of Geophysical Research, Special Issue on Role of Fluids in Sediment Accretion, Deformation, Diagenesis and Metamorphism at Subduction Zones.


Kulm, L.D., and Suess, E., 1990, Relation of carbonate deposits and fluid venting: Oregon accretionary prism: J. Geophys. Res., v. 95, p. 8899-8915.

Kulm, L.D., Suess, E., Moore, J.C., Carson, B., Lewis, B.T., Ritger, S.D., Kadko, D.C., Thornburg, T.M., Embley, R.W., Rugh, W.D., Massoth, G.J., Langseth, M.G., Cochrane, G.R., and Scamman, R.L., 1986, Oregon subduction zone: venting fauna and carbonates: Science, v. 231, p. 561-566.



Agapito, M., 2008, Mapping and lithologic interpretation of the Territorial Sea, Oregon, [M.S. thesis]: Corvallis, Oregon, Oregon State University. 106 pp.

Amolo, R.C., 2010, Habitat Mapping and Identifying Suitable Habitat of Redfish Rocks Pilot Marine Reserve, Port Orford, Oregon, [M.S. thesis]: Corvallis, Oregon, Oregon State University. 106 pp.

Black, B., 2014, Stratigraphic correlation of seismoturbidites and the integration of sediment cores with 3.5 kHz chirp subbottom data in southern Cascadia [MS Thesis] Oregon State University, Corvallis, 211 p.

Chaytor, J.D., 2006, Diffuse Deformation Patterns Along the North American Plate Boundary Zone, Offshore Western United States, [PhD thesis], Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, 299 pp. 47Mb file!

Erhardt, M.W., 2013, A Bayesian Approach to Marine Spatial Planning, [M.S. thesis], Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, 338 pp.

Goldfinger, C., 1990, Evolution of the Corvallis fault and implications for the Oregon coast range, [M.S. thesis], Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, 140 pp. Plate 1 Plate2 See also:

Wylie, T. 2008, PRELIMINARY GEOLOGIC MAPS OF THE CORVALLIS, WREN, AND MARYS PEAK 7.5′ QUADRANGLES, BENTON, LINCOLN, AND LINN COUNTIES, OREGON, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Open-File Report O-08-14, 15 pp, three map sheets.

Johnson, J.E., 2005, Deformation, fluid venting, and slope failure at an active margin gas hydrate province, Hydrate Ridge Cascadia accretionary wedge, [PhD thesis], Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, 159 pp. Plate 1 Plate2

Kaye, G., 2003, Testing spatial correlation of subduction interplate coupling and forearc morpho-tectonics , [M.S. thesis]: Corvallis, Oregon, Oregon State University. 119 pp.

Lockett, D., 2012, A Bayesian approach to habitat suitability prediction, [M.S. thesis]: Corvallis, Oregon, Oregon State University. 85 pp.

Lanier, A., 2006, A comparison of seafloor sonar classification methods through the use of error matrices and 3 dimensional GIS visualization : a multibeam sonar investigation of Nehalem Bank, Oregon, [M.S. thesis]: Corvallis, Oregon, Oregon State University. 131 pp.

Lee, T.S., 2012, Patterns of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities and Habitat Associations in temperate Continental Shelf Waters of the Pacific Northwest, [M.S. thesis]: Corvallis, Oregon, Oregon State University. 121 pp.

McNeill, L. C., 1998, Structure and seismic hazards of the offshore Cascadia forearc and evolution of the Neogene forearc basin, [PhD thesis], Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, 178 p., 1 plate.

Patton, J., 2014, Sedimentary Investigations Off shore Sumatra: Riddling the Seafloor for Evidence of Earthquakes and Submarine Landslides, [PhD thesis], Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, 178 p., and appendices .

Romsos, C. G., 2004, Mapping Surficial Geologic Habitats of the Oregon continental margin using integrated interpretive GIS techniques [M.S. Thesis]: Corvallis, Oregon State University, 87p.

Strom, N., 2006, Structure-forming Benthic Invertebrates: Habitat Distributions on the Continental Margin of Oregon and Washington, [M.S. thesis]: Corvallis, Oregon, Oregon State University. 111 pp.

VanLaningham, S., 2002, The role of rock resistance and rock uplift on topographic relief and river longitudinal profiles in the coastal mountains of Oregon and a landscape-scale test for steady-state conditions, [M.S. thesis]: Corvallis, Oregon, Oregon State University. 169 pp.



Selected Reports

California Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis Work Group, 2015, Evaluation and Application of Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis in California, California Geological Survey Special Report 237, 33p.

Fox, D., Merems, A., Amend, M., Weeks, H., Romsos, C., Appy, M., 2004, Comparative Characterization of Two Nearshore Rocky Reef Areas: A high-use recreational fishing reef vs. an unfished reef, Oregon Department Fish and Wildlife, Newport, Oregon, March 29, 2004

Goldfinger, Chris, Kulm, LaVerne D., Yeats, Robert S., Appelgate, T. Bruce, Jr., MacKay, Mary E., Cochrane, Guy R., 1991, Active strike-slip faulting and folding of the Cascadia plate boundary and forearc in central and northern Oregon; U.S.G.S. Open File Report OFR 91-441-S

Goldfinger C., and Mix, A., 2000, Report to the National Science Foundation: Testing of a Semi-Autonomous Sea-Floor Drill.  Spring, 2000, 12 pages.

Goldfinger, C., 2011, Possible turbidite record of earthquake source characteristics: a small scale test, NEHRP Annual Report, Volume 34: Reston, VA, U.S. Geological Survey, p. 18.

Goldfinger, C., Henkel, S.K., Romsos, C.Havron, A., Black, B., 2014, Benthic Habitat Characterization Offshore the Pacific Northwest Volume 1: Evaluation of Continental Shelf Geology, Report OCS BOEM 2014-662, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, U.S. Department of the Interior, 161 p.

Goldfinger, C., Romsos, C., Black, B., 2014, Survey and Analysis of the Surficial Geology and Geophysics in the Pacific Marine Energy Center – South Energy Test Site area and Associated Cable Routes in the Vicinity of Seal Rock, Oregon, ATSML Report 2014-03, 33p.

Goldfinger, C., Beeson, J., Kane, T., Romsos, C., 2016, Structural Definition of the Cascadia Locked Zone, final report to Factory Mutual Insurance, 142 p.

Goldfinger, C., 2017, Cascadia Ground Motions: A Paleoseismic/Ground Motion Transect Across the Cascadia Forearc in the Vicinity of Seattle, WA, NEHRP Final Technical Report, Reston, VA, U.S. Geological Survey, 113 p.

Goldfinger, C., 2018, Paleoseismic Record of Peninsula Segment Earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault near San Francisco, CA, NEHRP Final Technical Report Award G15AP00078, Reston, VA, U.S. Geological Survey, 52 p.

Gonzalez, F.I., LeVeque, R.J., Adams, L.M., Goldfinger, C., Priest, G.R., Wang, K., Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA)
for Crescent City, CA., Final Project Report to BakerAECOM, September, 2014, 101 p. Datafiles

Henkel, S.K., Goldfinger, C., Romsos, C., Hemery, L.G., Havron, A. Politano, K., 2014, Benthic Habitat Characterization Offshore the Pacific Northwest Volume 2: Evaluation of Continental Shelf Benthic Communities, Report OCS BOEM 2014-662, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, U.S. Department of the Interior, 218 p.


  1. McClure, J. Anderson, K. Andrews, M. Bellman, J. Bizarro, R. Bjorkland, C. Caldow, B. Feist, C. Goldfinger, C. Greene, P. Levin, C. Menza, C. Romsos, J. Samhouri, A. Shelton, N. Tolimieri, W. Wakefield, C. Whitmire, S. Winter, M. Yoklavich, 2013, Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat Synthesis: A Report to the Pacific Fishery Management Council, ATSML Report 2013-01, 107 pp. Online data source:

Torres, M.E., McManus, J., Goldfinger, C., 2000, Mapping, geochemical sampling and submersible observations of recent activity on the San Clemente fault zone, Oregon State University, Data Report 180.

Yu, K., and many others, 2013, Oregon Resiliency Plan, Report to the 77th Legislative Assembly from Oregon Seismic Safety Policy Advisory Commission




Kane, T., Romsos, C., Goldfinger, C., Erhardt, M., Hairston-Porter, R., Lockett, D., 2011, Habitat Classification, Shipek Grab Sample, Bathymetry, and Backscatter Maps, Seaside, Oregon, Oregon State University Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory Publication 2011-02, 4 maps sheets, scale 1 : 24,000, Oregon State University, Oregon Department of State Lands, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Kane, T., Romsos, C., Goldfinger, C., Erhardt, M., Hairston-Porter, R., Lockett, D., 2011, Habitat Classification, Shipek Grab Sample, Bathymetry, and Backscatter Maps, Hug Point, Oregon, Oregon State University Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory Publication 2011-03, 4 maps sheets, scale 1 : 24,000, Oregon State University, Oregon Department of State Lands, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Kane, T., Romsos, C., Goldfinger, C., Erhardt, M., Hairston-Porter, R., Lockett, D., 2011, Habitat Classification, Shipek Grab Sample, Bathymetry, and Backscatter Maps, Nehalem, Oregon, Oregon State University Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory Publication 2011-04, 4 maps sheets, scale 1 : 24,000, Oregon State University, Oregon Department of State Lands, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Kane, T., Romsos, C., Goldfinger, C., Erhardt, M., Hairston-Porter, R., Lockett, D., 2011, Habitat Classification, Shipek Grab Sample, Bathymetry, and Backscatter Maps, Cape Mears, Oregon, Oregon State University Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory Publication 2011-05, 4 maps sheets, scale 1 : 24,000, Oregon State University, Oregon Department of State Lands, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Lockett, D., Romsos, C., Goldfinger, C., Erhardt, M., Hairston-Porter, R., Kane, T., 2011, Habitat Classification, Shipek Grab Sample, Bathymetry, and Backscatter Maps, Cape Lookout, Oregon, Oregon State University Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory Publication 2011-06, 4 maps sheets, scale 1 : 24,000, Oregon State University, Oregon Department of State Lands, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Lockett, D., Romsos, C., Goldfinger, C., Erhardt, M., Hairston-Porter, R., Kane, T., 2011, Habitat Classification, Shipek Grab Sample, Bathymetry, and Backscatter Maps, Cape Kiwanda, Oregon, Oregon State University Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory Publication 2011-07, 4 maps sheets, scale 1 : 24,000, Oregon State University, Oregon Department of State Lands, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Lockett, D., Romsos, C., Goldfinger, C., Erhardt, M., Hairston-Porter, R., Kane, T., 2011, Habitat Classification, Shipek Grab Sample, Bathymetry, and Backscatter Maps, Lincoln City, Oregon, Oregon State University Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory Publication 2011-08, 4 maps sheets, scale 1 : 24,000, Oregon State University, Oregon Department of State Lands, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Erhardt, M., Romsos, C., Goldfinger, C., Hairston-Porter, R., Kane, T., Lockett, D., 2011, Habitat Classification, Shipek Grab Sample, Bathymetry, and Backscatter Maps, Depoe Bay, Oregon, Oregon State University Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory Publication 2011-09, 4 maps sheets, scale 1 : 24,000, Oregon State University, Oregon Department of State Lands, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Erhardt, M., Romsos, C., Goldfinger, C., Hairston-Porter, R., Kane, T., Lockett, D., 2011, Habitat Classification, Shipek Grab Sample, Bathymetry, and Backscatter Maps, Newport, Oregon, Oregon State University Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory Publication 2011-10, 4 maps sheets, scale 1 : 24,000, Oregon State University, Oregon Department of State Lands, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Romsos, C., Goldfinger, C., Erhardt, Hairston-Porter, R., M., Kane, T., Lockett, D., 2011, Habitat Classification, Shipek Grab Sample, Bathymetry, and Backscatter Maps, Cape Perpetua, Oregon, Oregon State University Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory Publication 2011-11, 4 maps sheets, scale 1 : 24,000, Oregon State University, Oregon Department of State Lands, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Romsos, C., Goldfinger, C., Erhardt, Hairston-Porter, R., M., Kane, T., Lockett, D., 2011, Habitat Classification, Shipek Grab Sample, Bathymetry, and Backscatter Maps, Florence, Oregon, Oregon State University Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory Publication 2011-12, 4 maps sheets, scale 1 : 24,000, Oregon State University, Oregon Department of State Lands, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Erhardt, M., Romsos, C., Goldfinger, C., Hairston-Porter, R., Kane, T., Lockett, D., 2011, Habitat Classification, Bathymetry, and Backscatter Maps, Lakeside, Oregon, Oregon State University Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory Publication 2011-13, 3 maps sheets, scale 1 : 24,000, Oregon State University, Oregon Department of State Lands, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Hairston-Porter, R., Romsos, C., Goldfinger, C., Erhardt, M., Kane, T., Lockett, D., 2011, Habitat Classification, Shipek Grab Sample, Bathymetry, and Backscatter Maps, Cape Arago, Oregon, Oregon State University Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory Publication 2011-14, 4 maps sheets, scale 1 : 24,000, Oregon State University, Oregon Department of State Lands, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Hairston-Porter, R., Romsos, C., Goldfinger, C., Erhardt, M., Kane, T., Lockett, D., 2011, Habitat Classification, Shipek Grab Sample, Bathymetry, and Backscatter Maps, Bandon, Oregon, Oregon State University Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory Publication 2011-15, 4 maps sheets, scale 1 : 24,000, Oregon State University, Oregon Department of State Lands, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Hairston-Porter, R., Romsos, C., Goldfinger, C., Erhardt, M., Kane, T., Lockett, D., 2011, Habitat Classification, Shipek Grab Sample, Bathymetry, and Backscatter Maps, Blacklock Point, Oregon, Oregon State University Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory Publication 2011-16, 4 maps sheets, scale 1 : 24,000, Oregon State University, Oregon Department of State Lands, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Hairston-Porter, R., Romsos, C., Goldfinger, C., Erhardt, M., Kane, T., Lockett, D., 2011, Habitat Classification, Shipek Grab Sample, Bathymetry, and Backscatter Maps, Cape Blanco, Oregon, Oregon State University Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory Publication 2011-17, 4 maps sheets, scale 1 : 24,000, Oregon State University, Oregon Department of State Lands, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Hairston-Porter, R., Romsos, C., Goldfinger, C., Erhardt, M., Kane, T., Lockett, D., 2011, Habitat Classification, Shipek Grab Sample, Bathymetry, and Backscatter Maps, Humbug Mountain, Oregon, Oregon State University Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory Publication 2011-18, 5 maps sheets, scale 1 : 24,000, Oregon State University, Oregon Department of State Lands, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.